Our personal abode. With unique notions. A dreamy episode. Put in motion.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Life: Botanic Gardens

Had a great day at the Botanic Gardens. Just look at this gorgeous photo! It's really wonderful to be close to nature, to hear, to see, to feel, everything around us, and to be part of it all, in the middle of it all. All we need to do is to conserve as much as we can in our everyday lives. Nature is there for us to assert our guardianship over it. Without nature, we can't possibly feel alive. Nature is there for us to experience our existence.

Friday, September 21, 2007

God: Bible Quiz

First, you had to get all the answers right. Second, you had to get all the answers for all the 3 quizzes right. Third, you had only a 1-in-15 chance to be drawn from among those who got it all right, and still Bernadette got it! She had a hunch, and waited patiently for 3 weeks, collecting each quiz, answering each question, checking each answer, re-checking each detail, before handing it in. It really was a painstaking labour of love. But that was nothing compared to God's love. Couldn't resist putting all the goodies together for a photoshoot here.

Life: Honda Airwave

Had our Honda Airwave for about 7 months now, before I finally had the chance and time to snap it down memory lane. But that wasn't before "some" splashing, soaping, scrubbing, wiping, polishing, and detailing. My previous car was a Kia Picanto, which I call the "Little Runabout". Was a bit reluctant to let it go, but the time was right, and with God's prompting and blessing, we made the switch to this "Booty-licious Jetabout". To me, it was like a dream too good to be true. Never would I dream of owning a fairly-big-sized Japanese car in COE-ERP-PIE-ECP-mad Singapore! Thankfully, fuel consumption for "Booty-licious Jetabout" is great (it really averages 18km/litre), even greater than the "Little Runabout". And it has a large boot to boot! So now, we are feeling the air, and riding the wave! Take a peek at our local SGAIRWAVER forum (http://sgairwaver.freeforums.org/).

Work: Teacher's Day

Not at all fake, feelings so pure, they unselfishly impart. For my sake, a simple gesture, straight to the heart. Cards they make, gifts they conjure, giving is an art. I promised my students that I'll put up a photo of the gifts that they gave me on teachers' Day. Kids, don't be disappointed if you don't see your card or your gift featured here. Don't worry, you can be sure that every single gift has touched me to my core. Thank you to all my students in 1CL5, 4CL3, and 5CL3!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

God: Possessions

We are selling some of our earthly possessions.
50% of sale proceeds will go towards Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. Visit this link (http://www.geocities.com/unikh_nkh/) for pictures and prices of the items.
Jesus said, 'If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.' But when the young man heard these words he went away sad, for he was a man of great wealth. Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'In truth I tell you, it is hard for someone rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven.' [Source: Catholic Online Bible (Matthew 19:21-24)]

Monday, September 10, 2007

God: Prayer

Christian prayers are very varied. They can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text. Probably the most common and universal prayer among Christians is the Lord's Prayer which is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Christians pray to God (without specifying a person of the Trinity); or to the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit (or some combination of them). Some Christians will also ask the righteous in heaven and "in Christ", such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf. Other formulaic closures include "through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever", and "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit". The most commonly used closure in Christianity is simply "Amen" (from a Hebrew adverb used as a statement of affirmation or agreement). [Source: Wikipedia]

Family: Bernard

I remember feeding pigeons, listening to their coos, hearing the flutter of their wings, feeling the wind beneath their wings. I remember my parents, my mother's coos, my father's wings, feeling their blanket of security. It wasn't easy being my parents, but they persevered, and made me who I am today. I can't thank them enough. I hope that they would see this yellowed photograph in a different light now. Mum and Dad, I'm no longer a fledgling, thanks for letting me earn my wings; but since it's big world out there, I did what I had to do, I needed to flex my wings, or else I would flounder when it really mattered. I know, the world is not always good, but it's beautiful too. Perhaps you'll think that there is danger in beauty, but I have always believed in this: that which is beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Family: Benji

Time to introduce our youngest member of this household - Benji. This is Benji's most recent photoshoot at 5 years' old. Look how comfy and cosy he is on Bernadette's knitted shawl. We've had him ever since he was a puppy. He's like a baby to us, you'll catch us whispering to him, talking to him, "sayang-ing" him, just as a parent would treat a child. And yes, like a baby, he responds to dual-syllable commands, like "mum-mum" (time to eat), "play-play" (time to play), "toy-toy" (find the toy), "orh-orh" (time to sleep), "pong-pong" (time to bathe), and his favourite "gai-gai" (time to go out for a walk). He used to be very fussy with his food, but these days, if only it's edible, he'll gladly gobble it up!

Poetry: Reborn

It gives me great joy, to be part of your convoy,
In this procession, towards redemption.

You picked me up, whenever I messed up.

Every boulder, became a pebble,
Then a grain, and finally empty pain.

You cured my diseases, and healed my bruises.

Countless times I strayed, you I betrayed,
Yet you stayed, and my life you saved.

I was cleansed, and blessed.

Throughout the night, you gifted me sight,
In your might, you exuded light.

So that by the next morn, in me a new man was reborn.

God: Genesis

Genesis (Hebrew: בְּרֵאשִׁית‎, Greek: Γένεσις, meaning "birth", "creation", "cause", "beginning", "source" or "origin") is the first book of the Torah, the Tanakh, and the Old Testament of the Bible. In Hebrew, it is called בראשית (B'reshit or Bərêšîth), after the first word of the text in Hebrew (meaning "in the beginning"). [Source: Wikipedia]

From the genesis of our union, we have yearned to build something together, to weave our lives into a complete tapestry. It isn't an easy task, but here we are, doing this together. We hope that our work here will touch that sweet-spot in you.