Our personal abode. With unique notions. A dreamy episode. Put in motion.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Celebrations: Christmas + New Year + Chinese New Year

I have been quizzed as to why we were silent for a good 4 months. These 4 months were a hectic but enjoyable 4 months. First it was a trip to Malaysia after the school term, swiftly followed by Christmas (25 Dec), then New Year (1 Jan), then by the new school term, and finally culminating with Chinese New Year (7 Feb). They say a picture tells a thousand words, so here are some snapshots of the afore-mentioned events.

Life: Booty-licious Jetabout

At a year old now, and with some chinks in its armour, our "Booty-licious Jetabout" is still like our baby. We can't deny it, we really love cars, and that is why we decided to get a sticker job done in time for Chinese New Year. A dragon, nonetheless, and a red one at that! It not simple to be a car owner in Singapore. To us, a car is not a status symbol. To us, a car is a convenient and quick means of transport. To me, it is a sign that I have grown up, especially in the eyes of my parents. I can still remember how hard I tried to keep it from my parents that I owned a car, waiting till the opportune time to surprise them. And my, did their tone change after the great reveal, a change from the "do-you-still-need-me-to-chaffeur-you-and-i-don't-think-you-have-the-means-to-buy-a-car" to the "you-have-grown-up-son-and-drive-carefully" tone. But mind you, I do take note of my green footprint, as evident by our choice of car.